Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This is my last post because today is our last IST lesson. I may come back next year but maybe not because our school is not having any IT classes because of the lack of students that wanted the subject. Anyways cya and good luck to you and me :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Tools for Schools

This is a group task and I'm in Hinarshi and Julie's group so the other tools are on their blogs.


·        Explain what it does and how it might be used:
iGoogle lets you create a personalised homepage that contains a Google search box at the top, and your choice of any number of gadgets below. Gadgets come in lots of different forms and provide access to activities and information from all across the web, without ever having to leave your iGoogle page. Here are some things you can do with gadgets:
Ø  View your latest Gmail messages
Ø  Read headlines from Google News and other top news sources
Ø  Check out weather forecasts, stock quotes, and movie showtimes
Ø  Store bookmarks for quick access to your favourite sites from any computer
Ø  Design your own gadget.

·        Include a series of screen shots that describe how to use it:

·        Tell us if the tool can be used on a smart phone or tablet as well as a computer
iGoogle can’t be used on a smart phone and it can be used on a table as well as a computer.

·        Find one example of another product that does a similar job
An example of a product that does a similar job to iGoogle would be ninemsn. It has got an email associated with it and it also has gadgets and links to other websites.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Activity 4 blog#3

On this task I am no longer working alone
Hinarshi and Julie are working with me on the website developing task. We have all agreed to keep the same topic of 'flowcharts'. We have gotten most of our website done only the examples of flowcharts page is left to do, hopefully that will get done by the end of the today's lesson as well and we will be finished.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Activity 4 Blog#2

Today I worked on activity four which is about making a simple website on flowcharts. I did the homepage and the first page. Page one is named 'symbols' and page two is named 'examples of flowcharts'. In the first page I will include all the symbols that related to Flowcharts and in the second page I will include examples of flowcharts such as the selection and repetative ones and also the simple ones. I have included pictures and text and I will include videos as well.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Activity 4 blog#1

Today I started activity 4- Programming Resource.
It said to do it in groups but we are doing it alone, the topic I picked to do is Flowcharting and instead of making my website on Sharepoint I am making it on Wix. In the acitvity it does not specify how or where to make it just says make a simple website that is why I am making it on Wix. Wix is easy to use and it will create a simple website.

Selection and Repetition

• Moving through a set of traffic lights.
1. If the traffic light is red then stop and wait until the light turns green.
2. If the traffic light is green then keep going do not stop.
3. If the traffic light is yellow then prepare to stop, if you can go through yellow before it goes red then keep going.
• Deciding whether to take an umbrella to school.
1. If it is raining then take an umbrella to school
2. If the weather seems cloudy and is about to rain then take an umbrella to school.
3. If the sun is shining and no chances of rain then do not take an umbrella to school.

• Giving a student an A, B or C on their test.
1. If the student has met the criteria is meant for an A then give an A.
2. If the student has met the criteria is meant for a B then give a B.
3. If the student has met the criteria is meant for a C then give a B.

Describe, in plain English, an algorithm for;
• Filling a bucket with water.
1. Get a bucket any colour and size.
2. Go to a tap.
3. Place the bucket underneath the tap.
4. Let the bucket fill with water.
5. Remove it from underneath the tap and close the tap.

• Blowing up a balloon.
1. Take a balloon of any colour.
2. Either blow it up with your mouth.

1. Take a balloon of any colour.
2. Take an air pump.
3. Put the face of the balloon on the pump and put pressure in it to blow it up.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


What is an Algorithm?
An unambiguous set of steps, which when performed correctly by a processor, will result in a process being carried out in a finite time.
For example if you were to explain to someone how to make a cup of coffee you would be defining an algorithm;
1. boil the water,
2. place coffee in the cup,
3. place sugar in the cup,
4. add the boiling water,
5. add milk,
6. stir.

1. Examine the algorithm above. What two properties of the algorithm enable it to correctly describe the solution to the problem of making a cup of coffee? What is it that makes an algorithm correct?(Hint: what would happen if you swapped step "6" and step "2"?)
The order in which the instructions are written in and the words such as ‘boil’ and ‘add’ tell us exactly what to do enables it to correctly describe the solution to the problem of making a cup of coffee.  

2. Define Algorithms for the following processes.
Posting a letter.1. Go to the post-office
2. Get a stamp
3. Place it on the envelope that the letter is in.
4. Place the letter in the mail-box.

Making toast.
1. Take 2 pieces of bread.
2. Spread butter on the bread.
3. Add cheese (optional)
4. Place it in the toaster.
5. Take it out of the toaster when it is ready.

Calling a friend on the phone
1. Pick up the phone.
2.Press the talk or call button.
3. Dial your friend’s number.

Flowchart Basics

1. What is a flowchart?

Flowchart is a way of visually presenting the flow of data through an information processing systems, the operations performed within the system and the order in which they are performed.

2. Describe the basic flowchart symbols for;

3. With the decision making symbol (diamond) and the process symbol (rectangle), what are the rules for how many lines may enter and leave the symbol?
The rules for the decision making symbol are that only one flow line should enter a decision symbol, but then two or three flow lines-one for each answer should leave the decision symbol. The rule for the process symbol is that only one flow line should out from it.

4. Study the sample flowcharts then create a flowchart for a coin toss where heads means Mary pays for the pizza and Tales means Bill pays.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I have started on my website, I've done the login page and started on the homepage...
I am doing my website on Cakes. Cake designs, recipes, etc. The website will be called 'cakethat'. I have started one of the problems Ive encountered is that I don't know how to add a link to a button when I solve that I'll blog again.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Internet Addresses

1.    What is a URL?
 The URL stands for Uniform (or universal) resource locator, and it is the address of a Web page. The URL is broken down into three parts: the protocol, the server name, the file name.

2.    What is an IP address and how is it related to a URL?
Each machine on the Internet is assigned a unique address called an IP address. The browser communicated with a name server to translate the server name into an IP address, the IP address is the bit which connects to the server machine.

3. Given our school website's URL is http://www.mcauley.nsw.edu.au, what is our domain name and what protocol do you need to use to access the site?
The domain name is: mcauley and the protocol is: http://

4.   In the context of an IP address, what is an octet?
An octect is a grouping of eight bits.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

MIni Project-

We did a mini project on URLs so what they are, how they are used etc. In my group were Julie and Hinarshi. We did a powerpoint based on URLs and presented to the class. We went pretty well it was basically the same information. This was just a practice before our big project.


1.     Define the term- Protocol:
Rules determining the format and transmission of data, it is a set of rules which is used by computers to communicate with each other across a network.

2.     What are the following protocols used for?
-          TCP/IP: is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. It provides reliable, ordered delivery of a stream of bytes from a program on one computer to another program on another computer.
-          http:// - Hypertext Transfer Protocol- it is when computers communicate webpages to one another and is used to access a server that is supporting www protocol.
-          Smtp://- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol- it is used to transfer email messages between computers.
-          Pop- Post Office Protocol is a technology used for downloading messages from an email server to your computer.
-          FTP - File Transfer Protocol- used to download a file from a server supporting the FTP Protocol

3.     What does GUI stand for? What was used before GUI?
GUI stands for Graphical User Interface. Before GUI became common, computers worked with a text-base interface. In these interfaces users interacted with the computer by typing commands, meaning users had to memorize commands in order to use them. DOS, for example, was a common operating system in the late 1980s and the early 1990s.

4.     There are two methods of data transmission – serial and parallel. Explain the difference between them.
The difference between serial and parallel is that the serial transmissions only use 2 wires for transmitting and receiving data and only 1 for sending or receiving, and can only send one bit at a time whereas parallel cabels use several wires for data transmission and is much faster than serial therefore 8 or more wires are carrying data ‘parallel’ to each other to its destination.

5.     Define the term “URL”. Explain the components that make up the url.
URL is an abbreviation of ‘Uniform/Universal Resource Locator’, it is the global address of documents and other resources on the World Wide Web. It is a standard for identifying a resource (site, name, application, etc.) across a computer network, example internet.

6.  In the context of data transmission, what is “error detection”?
In the context of data transmission, error detection is the detection of errors caused by noise or other impairments during transmission from the transmitter to the receiver.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

History of the Internet

How did the internet originate?
Although the internet originally began in the 19th century with the invention of the telegraph system it was really recognised and in modern history is known has being developed in the 1950s and 1960s when with the development of computers. The Internet that exists today began as a military network that was used to transmit data over long distances. That developed into a text exchange between educational institutions.
Who were the people most responsible for creating it?
J.C.R Licklider of MIT first proposed a global network of computers in 1962 and moved over to the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency in late 1962 to head the work to develop it. Leonard Kleinrock of MIT and later UCLA developed the theory of packet switching, which was to form the basis of Internet Connections. Lawrence Roberts of MIT was also involved in this; she connected a Massachusetts computer with a California computer in 1965 over dial-up telephone lines. Al Gore has done more than any other elected official to support the growth and development of the Internet from the 1970’s to present. 

What system immediately preceded the internet? What was its purpose?
ARPANET was one of the systems that immediately preceded the internet. It was a lead to development of protocols for internetworking, where multiple separate networks could be joined together into a network of networks.

What is an IP packet? What is it comprised of?
IP shortened for Internet Protocol is a protocol used for communicating data across a packet-switched internetwork using the Internet Protocol Suite, also referred to as TCP/IP.
IP packets are an extremely efficient way of sending information over the internet, it only a matter of a few milliseconds – when all this is received on another device. IP packets are a basic chunk of data that can be sent over the Internet. All the data is broken into “small parts” into IP packets on the sending computer and reassembled on the computer that is receiving the information.

What does TCP stand for? How does TCP deal with lost IP packets?
TCP stands for Transmission Control Protocol. TCP adds support to detect errors or lost data and to trigger retransmission until the data is correctly and completely received.

Why do computer people like everything in letters?
They like everything in letters because words are easier to remember whereas numbers are sometimes a bit hard.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The assignment for this term is about making a music database. It is really hard and not easily understandble. Mr. Cavill is now showing us how to make it step by step and it does seem sort of easy. I hope to start on mine soon, I have somewhat started but not fully.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Online Banking

1. What is online banking?
Online banking is a system that allows individuals to perform day – to – day banking activities from the comfort of their own home. One will find 2 kinds of online banks, traditional banks that offer the facility of online banking and the other being an online bank with no physical presence. These banks allow users to execute routine transactions, such as account transfers, balance inquiries, bill payments, and stop-payment requests. The benefits of online banking also include, acquiring and accessing account information at any hour of the day – all one needs is a internet connection.

2. How are databases involved in this topic?

 Databases are used in online banking as it must store the information of the bankers in the database to be accessed from the bank and from computers at home.  Databases make it easier to access someone’s details such as their name, address, telephone number, card number and amount of money available in their accounts in a short amount of time for the bank and also, it is easier to find information about their banks online for the consumer in order to do transactions online in a shorter amount of time and pay bills without leaving your own home.

3. Describe the type of data stored about individuals in relation to this topic.

The types of data stored about individuals in online banking include the individual’s full name, their email and address, their occupation, date of birth, their phone numbers both home and mobile and fax number, their account number, password, the balance of money in their accounts and credit card details.

4. Ways in which this database can be misused:
Some ways where online banking can be misused would be the following: 

  •    Hacking into people’s bank accounts and stealing their money,
  •   Taking personal details of the bank account owner
  •    Privacy, to embarrass you. Letting everyone know your bank account money.
5. What are the ethical responsibilities of those maintaining the database?
Responsibilities of those maintaining the database are very simple and straightforward. Maintainers should keep personal and account information extremely secure, and private. They should make sure they have high security regulations in order for them to prevent the misuse of disclosed information.

6. What are the legal responsibilities of those maintaining the database?
The responsibilities of people maintaining databases would be to keep personal and bank details discreet and private, and not reveal them to a third party. Examples of information that should be kept confidential are DOB, address, bank number and bank password. Design their systems so that it is hard to get into it.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Database Definitions

1.       Field: Categories/Classifications in a database.
2.      Record: Anything providing permanent evidence of or information about past events.
3.      File: Record in a public office or in a court of law.
4.      Query: Putting together questions.
5.      Database: A database is a collection of data for one or more multiple uses. One way of classifying databases involves the type of content.
6.      Report: A written document describing the findings of some individual or group.
7.      DBMS: Database management system: a software system that facilitates the creation and maintenance and use of an electronic database
8.      Data Dictionary: A centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format. It helps build a database.
9.    Data Type: A classification identifying one of various types of data, as floating-point, figure, or Boolean, stating the possible values for that type, the operations that can be done on that type, and the way the values of that type are stored.

2.  File, Record and Field

3. Common databases:
  • RTA database- Its got all the drivers details such as their name, phone number, address etc.
  • Hospital database- The hospital database has all it's patients personal details (i.e. name, address, medical history etc.)
  • School databse- The school's database has got information about the students that go to the school...they have details such as name, d.o.b, phone number, their grades throughout their school life etc.
  • Library databse- Its got details about all the people registered with the library so that they can track them down if the need be. The details may include name, library card number, books/cd borrowed, phone number etc.
  • Council database- The council database has information on everyone living in that area. Information may include the person's name, address, phone number etc.

Using databases

What is a database?
A database is an organized body of related information. It’s a collection of data for one or more multiple uses.

Example of Databases:
The common databases used around us include:
·         RTA- it has all the information about all the drivers registered with RTA.
·         School database- It’s got all the information about the students at the school (i.e. name, address, phone numbers etc.)
·         Hospital’s database- The hospital database has its patient’s records and personal details such as their name, phone number, address, their medical history etc.
·         Library’s database: If you’ve registered at a library it will have all your details which may include the usual. (i.e. your name, address, phone number, email address etc.)

What’s different about wolfram alpha and its limitation?
The different thing about wolfram alpha is that it doesn’t give links to other websites like Google or other search engines. The limitation with wolfram alpha is that it does not have information about everything like some of the other search engines. It only gives information stuff related to calculations such as physics, trigonometry etc.                                   

New Blog!

Hi, this is my second year of IST and my new blog for year 10.
This is my first post!
I hope to learn to new things this year in IST =]