Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Activity 4 Blog#2

Today I worked on activity four which is about making a simple website on flowcharts. I did the homepage and the first page. Page one is named 'symbols' and page two is named 'examples of flowcharts'. In the first page I will include all the symbols that related to Flowcharts and in the second page I will include examples of flowcharts such as the selection and repetative ones and also the simple ones. I have included pictures and text and I will include videos as well.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Activity 4 blog#1

Today I started activity 4- Programming Resource.
It said to do it in groups but we are doing it alone, the topic I picked to do is Flowcharting and instead of making my website on Sharepoint I am making it on Wix. In the acitvity it does not specify how or where to make it just says make a simple website that is why I am making it on Wix. Wix is easy to use and it will create a simple website.

Selection and Repetition

• Moving through a set of traffic lights.
1. If the traffic light is red then stop and wait until the light turns green.
2. If the traffic light is green then keep going do not stop.
3. If the traffic light is yellow then prepare to stop, if you can go through yellow before it goes red then keep going.
• Deciding whether to take an umbrella to school.
1. If it is raining then take an umbrella to school
2. If the weather seems cloudy and is about to rain then take an umbrella to school.
3. If the sun is shining and no chances of rain then do not take an umbrella to school.

• Giving a student an A, B or C on their test.
1. If the student has met the criteria is meant for an A then give an A.
2. If the student has met the criteria is meant for a B then give a B.
3. If the student has met the criteria is meant for a C then give a B.

Describe, in plain English, an algorithm for;
• Filling a bucket with water.
1. Get a bucket any colour and size.
2. Go to a tap.
3. Place the bucket underneath the tap.
4. Let the bucket fill with water.
5. Remove it from underneath the tap and close the tap.

• Blowing up a balloon.
1. Take a balloon of any colour.
2. Either blow it up with your mouth.

1. Take a balloon of any colour.
2. Take an air pump.
3. Put the face of the balloon on the pump and put pressure in it to blow it up.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


What is an Algorithm?
An unambiguous set of steps, which when performed correctly by a processor, will result in a process being carried out in a finite time.
For example if you were to explain to someone how to make a cup of coffee you would be defining an algorithm;
1. boil the water,
2. place coffee in the cup,
3. place sugar in the cup,
4. add the boiling water,
5. add milk,
6. stir.

1. Examine the algorithm above. What two properties of the algorithm enable it to correctly describe the solution to the problem of making a cup of coffee? What is it that makes an algorithm correct?(Hint: what would happen if you swapped step "6" and step "2"?)
The order in which the instructions are written in and the words such as ‘boil’ and ‘add’ tell us exactly what to do enables it to correctly describe the solution to the problem of making a cup of coffee.  

2. Define Algorithms for the following processes.
Posting a letter.1. Go to the post-office
2. Get a stamp
3. Place it on the envelope that the letter is in.
4. Place the letter in the mail-box.

Making toast.
1. Take 2 pieces of bread.
2. Spread butter on the bread.
3. Add cheese (optional)
4. Place it in the toaster.
5. Take it out of the toaster when it is ready.

Calling a friend on the phone
1. Pick up the phone.
2.Press the talk or call button.
3. Dial your friend’s number.

Flowchart Basics

1. What is a flowchart?

Flowchart is a way of visually presenting the flow of data through an information processing systems, the operations performed within the system and the order in which they are performed.

2. Describe the basic flowchart symbols for;

3. With the decision making symbol (diamond) and the process symbol (rectangle), what are the rules for how many lines may enter and leave the symbol?
The rules for the decision making symbol are that only one flow line should enter a decision symbol, but then two or three flow lines-one for each answer should leave the decision symbol. The rule for the process symbol is that only one flow line should out from it.

4. Study the sample flowcharts then create a flowchart for a coin toss where heads means Mary pays for the pizza and Tales means Bill pays.